Niche Practice Seminars Programs
Are you looking to transform your practice into one that really brings satisfaction to patients, and to you? That’s the goal of the Niche Practice Seminars, and you can get started here. For a detailed introduction to the Niche Practice concept, you can attend a Niche Introduction Weekend, which we hold regularly on the East and West coasts. For more detailed and customized information, you can schedule an In-Office Consultation or attend a Strategic Planning Weekend.
When you’re ready to really learn the model, please select the Niche Intensive Program, and for those who have already taken the intensive program Post-Graduate events help refresh and refine the application of concepts.
In addition, we offer Online Course videos, which lays out the model in general terms for an introduction or refresher.
Niche Intensive Program: 4 Weekends
Meeting 1: For this weekend, the dentist, practice administrator, and new patient team will learn the basics of sales, marketing, and delivery of sales. There will also be a breakout session with the dentists only to develop strategic plans, cover leadership issues, set everyone up for success and to answer any specific questions or issues.
Meeting 2:Â The dentist, admin, and new patient team return to gain mastery of all the concepts presented in the previous weekend.
Meeting 3: The dentist will return with the hygienist(s) and dental assistants to go over specific sales scenarios, delivery of services, and technical aspects of the Niche Practice model.
Meeting 4: This weekend involves the entire team learning to apply what they learned together.
Niche In Office Consultation Weekend
A 2 day weekend in your office where we evaluate your office and make recommendations for increased effectiveness and introduce the niche concepts of marketing, sales and delivery of services. This on site consulting program can be combined with a weekend visit to our niche campus to participate for a weekend program or even join the group in progress.
Online Seminar
The videos represent a complete course, and possibly the most transformative you’ll ever take. It starts where you are now: a technically excellent dentist who can’t find patients who demand and appreciate your excellence. It teaches you how to make a practice that will attract those patients, the kind of practice that will make them–and you–happier.